17 July 2008

Scrambled Eggs and Toast....

What a discovery! The taste, the texture, the color, the smell.... mmmm mmmm mmmm.... that is good scrambled eggs and toast! Taygen sure loved his scrambled eggs and toast I fixed yesterday morning for breakfast. He thought it was the best thing ever. I have never seen that kid eat so much in one sitting. He had 1/2 a cup of eggs and 1 whole toast and milk. He would grab and squeeze and squish before it even made it to his mouth. Then he would suck the flavor pull it out squish and sqeeze some more put it back in and swish it around his mouth more and more until he decided to eat it. That's the way Taygen eats his scrambled eggs and toast. How do you? Do you savor the flavor or just get it over with to fill the emptiness in your bottomless pit. Oh the wonders kids discover on their journey in this life. From their first bath, to climbing the stairs, scrambled eggs and toast to taking their first step, first potty break to first swimming lessons, first day of school to first school pictures, first time playing in the mud to first time finger painting, first time camping to discovering pine cones.... which reminds me.... we went for a drive Tuesday up to the mountain. Checked out Johnson's Creek, (not much water running through) went for a little walk among the *trees and came across some pinecones which Kylan keeps calling ConeNuts. I'm thinking that he's thinking kinda like Corn Nuts that gramma eats, but he keeps calling the pinecones "ConeNuts" LoL. Here is a picture of Kylan with his "ConeNuts" that he found lying on the ground. He was so proud to help his mom find the "ConeNuts" so we can make bird feeders. Recipe: Find medium size "ConeNut" in forrest. Tie a yarn or string to the top of the "ConeNut". Using a butterknife spread peanut butter all over the "ConeNut" and then roll the pb "ConeNut" in bird seed. Hang from a tree where you would like to watch them feast. All birds love it, and it's good to get rid of that Peanut Butter that is about to go bad but you don't want to just through away.

I'm too cool for my "ConeNuts" to cool ~yeah~. Kylan thinks he needs to pose like a stud to show that he is the coolest 3 year old out there and knows how to find the perfect "ConeNuts". Anyway, also while in the mountain Christian discovered how hard it is to drive a car. (we let him steer - on a straight way - that's it) I didn't get a picture because I thought it would be too incriminating, but before his expierence he thought driving a car was a blast an easy deal like playing a video game. He learned his lesson and has a new look on reality of a vehicle. This ain't no Mario Bros racecar retreat. This is life. Real life. With real people. With a real car. With a real road, real feelings, real speed, real discoveries just waiting to be found. Ok... That last part didn't fit, but it needed to be said to be done with.

This is the sunset up on Blue Mountain. Just sharing my discovery this week. The beauty in Nature!

*Trees: The kind that grow in the ground with limbs and leaves and bark. Not the ones posted and most talked about in this blog. Just for your information!!

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