14 July 2008

Time of Rock!

So I heard Mylie Cyrus is sporting the famous colors of Goldie Locks now a days. Does this mean she doesn't have to wear the wig when she's pretending to be Hannah Montana??? Or does she? Still on the subject of Hannah Montana and her famous wig, we went to a birthday party Saturday afternoon for my very adorable loveable neice Adrienne. That girl is like totally Hannah Montana's BIGGEST fan. Her grandma gave her a Hannah Montana wig to go with her Hannah Montana purse, Hannah Montana shoes, Hannah Montana shirt, Hannah Montana sleeping bag, Hannah Montanna cd and her Hannah Montana lip gloss. (she is 6 yrs old!?!?!?) I gave her money with George Washington not Hannah Montana. Anyway Bic and his brother's had more fun with the wig than Adrienne did. *lol* It was quite the sight. Except I went on the internet yesterday and found a picture of Mylie in her newly bleach golden locks so I saved it and then when I was making this post I got it mixed up with Bic's and her's... I can't figure out who is who???

I love it when you get a moment in life to just mess around and not have anyone judge you. Like if your married with 3 kids and you want to be Hannah Montana for a few minutes and rock n' roll on your fake guitar like Bret Michaels and just live the moment... that's the kind of life we should all have. Was it Bret Michaels or was it Cliff Williams aka Sly Willie from AC/DC. Whatever, whoever, whenever, the point is we need to jus let go and Rock On!!


He's gonna kill me when he see's the pix online - but the moment is worth it!

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