09 October 2008

Randomneous... is that a word??

50 Random things about our Family:

1. Bic and I have been 2gether for 10 years now. We "hooked" up the summer b4 my senior year.
2. We got Elvis (our dog) right after we started dating so he is 10 years also and going strong.
3. Kylan's favorite food is pizza and chicken (chicken being any kind of meat).
4. Taygen loves to walk.
5. My fav candy bar is a twix. & I will only eat it by chewing off the carmel 1st then eating the cookie.
6. Bic shovel's dirt for a living. haha
7. Christian's nostril's are shaped like hearts.
8. My fav color is black. Christian's is blue. Kylan's is yellow. Taygen and Bic I have no idea?!?!?
9. My family watches Transformers more than needs be. Kylan has almost every line memorized.
10. Taygen likes to dance to mommy's music...Metallica, Ozzy, AC/DC...He is truly my boy.
11. Kylan can tell you which movie a song is from when heard on the radio. eg. Transformers, Alvin & the Chipmunks, Shrek, Coyote Ugly, Iron Man, etc.
12. Christian has a crush on M.R.
13. My own navajo husband can't speak navajo all that well. lol
14. I met Travis on 7/4/98 and starting dating on 7/17/98. We got 2gether @ Johnson's creek.
15. Christian was conceived the weekend my car burned down.
16. I love to read/watch movies just to escape reality.
17. Christian loves Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana.
18. I only admit this because I love my son. I "used to" as in when I was Christian's age be in love with Billy Ray Cyrus. Ha ha ha Hannah Montana's dad.
19. Kylan likes to play with toy guns and cars.
20. Taygen loves meat.
21. Bic uses colored marshmellows when fishing.
22. Christian had a cone head when he was born.
23. Kylan has spiderman pj's that we got at a yard sale. He constantly wears them & I have to pry them off once in a while to get them washed.
24. Taygen crawls like Mogley on Jungle Book.
25. Bic is goofy. He acts like a dork when his family isn't around just to embarrass me.
26. Christian had natural curly hair. Just like his mom...poor kid.
27. Christian likes to shop??? I don't like to shop!!!
28. We 3 dogs. Elvis, Dusty and Tip
29. Bic has a cat that I refuse to own. Tobi
30. I have a daughter from another mother. We share her. She loves to help me with Christian's chores. (Charisten K.)
31. I only have 5 friends left that I keep in contact with. There used to be at least 30 of us that hung out every night.
32. 4 of my friends from High School have passed on.
33. Bic used to have long hair.
34. I cut it off and still have it. (i use it against him -voodoo- if he pisses me off)
35. Christian loves to txt just as his mom and dad do.
36. I work at a detention center.
37. Kylan goes to Lana Lee's preschool just like Christian did.
38. My favorite author is Dr. Seuss
39. Kylan flicks his mom's lips if she swears.
40. I talk in my sleep. So does my kids.
41. FORD >> fix or repair daily >> perfectly discribes Bic's truck.
42. Christian's favorite teams are BYU and Denver Broncos.
43. Bic's favorite teams are Utah Utes and 49ers.
44. My favorite teams are whoever loses. lol j/k
45. We were married Nov. 17 the day b4 my bff birthday.4
6. I lose my mind frequently that's why i'm rambling right now.
47. I love Bit-O-Honey's and I call them "Bic"-OH- Hunny's.
48. I wish I were rich. Filthy rich.
49. I want to loose weight but I'm lazy. I admit it 100%
50. Our family likes to go camping. If you call sleeping in the car with a mattress camping?!?!?

Well I didn't think I could do it, but I did. WoW. That is amazing. So I was just bored and wanted to do sumthing diff. l8rz

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